Book TWO (or more) nights and receive our most popular recipes!

Booking hint: If the pop-up calendar looks distorted, then enter the arrival & checkout dates manually using the following format: 2-digit month/2-digit day/4-digit year...example: 01/08/2024 …(using slashes in between).

Same-day arrivals must call the B&B for reservation: (435) 332-9002

Required fields are followed by *

Our Location

Our renovated schoolhouse is in the heart of the Torrey, UT and features spectacular views of Capitol Reef National Park and the Fish Lake National Forest.

Our Location

150 N Center Street, Torrey, UT 84775

Need More Info?

We try to provide as much information as possible on this website. If you can't find the information you need here, give us a call and leave a message if we're unavailable.

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Call (435) 332-9002 Cell 

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Email is the best way to communicate with us when you have questions that need detailed answers. Send us an email with your vacation information, questions, and details.

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